Week 3 Corporate Sponsor

WEEK 3 Sponsorship

Fried Cod Dine-In In Memory of Uncle Buck Fried Cod Take-Out Wiechkoske FamilyBaked Cod Dine-In Friends of St. Aidan Fish FryBaked Cod Take-OutShrimp Dine-In In Memory of Uncle BuckShrimp Take-OutFish Sandwich Dine-In Fish Sandwich Take-OutMac & Cheese Dine-InMac & Cheese Take-OutFrench Fries Dine-In Lambert FamilyFrench Fries Take-OutCole Slaw Dine-In Stephen & Emilie BakerCole Slaw Take-OutClam ChowderTomato Florentine Michael Sidora FamilyBaked Potatoes The Mitros GirlsApple Sauce Noah Gabriel Jewelers & Co.Bun & BreadDrinksPaper ProductsCondimentsDessert BKG IndustriesEvening Security In Memory of Uncle Buck